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Try This for a Diet Tip

April 16th, 2007 at 05:15 pm

I have been on diets many times. At one point in my life I lost 45 pounds on the NutriSystem plan; but couldn't do without all the pats on the back when the weight had been lost and so gradually put it back on. I'm fine with diets for the short term but haven't been too great in the long haul. My current plan is to go as natural as possible (primarily vegetables, fruit and whole-grains; little or no meats, dairy or fats).

Some of the most successful dieters swear by writing down everything you eat. Weight Watchers (I tried that too) is big on this. I just couldn't make myself do it. I have been looking at better ways to put some of the more beneficial things in my life on autopilot: For example, I have amounts deducted every paycheck to be put directly into my 401k account and what I call the "house savings" account, which covers real estate taxes, insurance bills, repairs and emergencies. This makes the process of saving work in spite of myself. So why can't I get that to work for a diet?

So here's a tip: I have made a checklist of the good diet stuff that should be done every day. I have added some non-diet things, like decluttering and savings activities, too. Some of these items include:
8 oz water
8 oz water
8 oz water, etc.
1 cup vegetable
1 cup vegetable, etc.
1 pc fruit or cup juice
10 minute walking
Note or letter written & sent
Cleaning/decluttering action
Savings reserved-dollar jar or deposit
Money saved-skipped purchase or asked for discount

There are more items, and the list is growing as I think of new things to add. I figure, I can easily check off the stuff I DO and am more likely to keep up!